Associated Vision Group


ASSOCIATED VISION GROUP was founded in November 2003. Founding members of the Group are: EVISION Solutions, VISION Design, BTS Technologies and MEDIA One. Member companies have years of experiences in IT systems solutions, web site design, Search Engines Optimization, Database Solutions, Marketing and Sales Projects.

ASSOCIATED VISION GROUP member companies are committed to improving our service standards as ongoing process while helping our clients to minimize expenses in web site design projects, E-Commerce, and other IT systems' solutions.

EVISION Solutions understands that our business clients' demand for better services and competitive pricing. Driven by these crucial requirements, EVISION Solutions joined with three other Information Technology companies to form the ASSOCIATED VISION GROUP in order to provide a wider variety of services in addition to web site design to our valued clients.

As a member of ASSOCIATED VISION GROUP, we are able to pull our professional Information Technologies resources together in serving our clients better and in a more cost-effective manner in website design, graphic and multi-media design, Search Engine Optimization, on and/or offline database developments, sales and marketing promotions.

ASSOCIATED VISION GROUP consists of professional website designer, graphic & multi-media designer, search engine specialists, developers, database specialist, marketing and sales experts.

CAREER Opportunity

We are looking for candidates to fill following positions:
+ Client Solutions – Sales & Marketing Executives
+ Web Developer
+ Inside Sales

Click here for more details.

ASSOCIATED VISION GROUP is pleased to announce the following sister companies are founding members of the group in 2004...

Custom Website Design
Graphic Design
Search Engine Optimization
Database Integration
E-Commerce Solutions
Website Hosting
Domain Name Registration

Our Website Portfolio

EVISION Solutions provides website design services for locations in Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, Toronto, GTA, Hamilton and surrounding areas.

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